Kendrick Lamar released one of the greatest hip hop albums ever on March 15 2015. This album is story about Kendrick fighting against his inner demons and reaching a low point of self hatred and persevering past it after a trip to Africa. This album is a very personal and can be even hard to listen to at times but it’s honest and great. This album turned out to be the highest rated rap album after about a month of its release. 7079b-12346119_933940220009036_929057415_n

Another thing that I love about this album is the artwork. The artwork is Kendrick Lamar shirtless accompanied by many other friends shirtless on top of a passed out judge in front of the White House. He really is making a statement by having an album cover like it. On the inside of the vinyl, there are additional photos taken with Kendrick Lamar in multiple different locations. I highly recommend getting this vinyl, and listening to this album. This album really makes you think, and challenges you to become a better man.

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